Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 18, 2007

This morning as I was exploring, I came across this cool thing on the floor. Mommy tried to explain the concept of "shadows" to me, but I wasn't really gettin' it. I just liked watching the shapes change on the floor. It was quite fascinating!

Mommy and I spent some time in the backyard this afternoon. It was such a beautiful day! Mommy had to vacuum the pool and stuff while I stayed busy in my play house. (Thank you Aunt Christine!) Mommy took a lot of pictures---she can't help herself!

Life is good here in my cool house!

Smiles Everyone, Smiles!

Please, come on in!

I better check the mail---maybe there's a letter from Daddy!Yikes!! Talk about mail being HAND delivered!!!!

Mommy and me chillin' on the hammock!

Mommy always tells me that time goes by very fast---I should always take the time to "Stop and smell the flowers!" I added my own spin on that --- I not only take time to smell the flowers, I like to chew on them too!! : )

This is one of Mommy's favorite pictures!

Look how big my chubby hands and feet are getting!

Here are a couple of pictures that Mommy took of me while we were at Grace McErlain's FIRST Birthday Party----Ummmm, Mommy, aren't you supposed to be taking pictures of the birthday girl????

Such a handsome dude!!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Dylan, it looks like you had a very adventurous day. Did you get to swim in the pool after Mommy cleaned it out? The flowers look yummy...Tanner did the same thing. He loved chewing on his flowers.