Friday, February 22, 2008

My First Christmas - Dec. 25, 2007

What an exciting day today turned out to be! Mommy and Daddy always seemed to be talking about this thing called Christmas. I don't quite understand it all yet, but from what I gather, it involves Santa Claus, reindeer, a tree, and presents. I'm anxious to see what it's all about.
As soon as I woke up, Mommy and Daddy put my sweatshirt on and took me outside. They said we had to check to make sure the reindeer had flown Santa to our house. They kept telling me to look for a silver bell. This bell would be a sure sign that Santa had stopped by!
Sure enough, after a few minutes of lookins, guess what we found?
Hey, when you shake this bell, it makes a bunch of noise! BONUS!!

Once we got inside, I had to examine my Christmas bell a little more.

Okay, enough time has gone by---Let's get to the presents!
I opened my stocking first. There were so many cool things inside! Check out these rubber duckies. They glow when they're in the tub. I can't wait to see them swim!

Awesome! Look what else is in my stocking---Sesame Street Books!!
That show is my favorite. Elmo and Cookie Monster are the best!

Look at this!

My new car lights up and sings songs. Do bears have driver's licenses?

Yummy! This dump truck sticker tastes delicious!

This new book is so awesome! It's all about a big truck that can dig huge holes.

No way!!! It's Curious George! What a cool dude!
Mommy and Daddy told me that this George can blow bubbles. I can't wait to see this!

George is sooooo cool! : )

Okay--it's Daddy's turn!
Looks like he's pretty surprised by the gift Mommy gave him.

Grandmom and PopPop are coming over for breakfast. Doesn't the table--and the tree--look pretty? I can't wait to taste whatever Daddy is whipping up. He's a great cook!

Here's my very first Christmas tree. I love to watch the lights.

Hooray! PopPop is here and he brought me some juice--JACKPOT!

Okay, all of this morning's excitement is starting to take it's toll. I need a nap.
Out like a light!

I think my bib says it all....
Check out these cool pillows that Grandmom had made for Daddy!

Isn't this an awesome picture of my kitty cats, Chic and Abagail?
They just found out that there were treats in their stockings.

Chic decided to disguise herself as a present!

Isn't she pretty?
Here's Abby. She likes to hang out by the window so she has a good view of everything that's going on.

Okay---I'm awake and refreshed!! Time for some more presents!!
Check out my new drum set!

I better do a taste test.

Here's 2 of my favorite people! They are each holding a Willow Tree figurine that my Daddy gave them.
Here's Daddy and PopPop--the Ryobi twins!
(Mommy and Grandmom think alike I guess!)

Here's a special scrapbook that Mommy made for Grandmom and PopPop. It's called
"Highlights of my First Year". Guess who it's about??! : )

I LOVE Matchbox Cars. Daddy and I like to talk about cars a lot.

I'm trying to decide which one is my favorite.

Here I am giving my kitty cat some lovin'!

Hey---Look who showed up! My Great Grandparents!!!
I love them very much.

Who needs to open more presents? I'd rather use them for a train platform.

Before it was time for me to get to bed, we all headed over to Uncle Al and Aunt Anne's house for some snacks. Here's me with the boys!
What an amazing first Christmas!!!! I can't wait until next year!

Christmas Eve Breakfast - Dec, 24, 2007

This morning was a very special morning. I got to meet up with my PopPop, Grandmom, my uncles, and some of my cousins for the "Simpkins Annual Christmas Eve Breakfast" at the diner.
As soon as I sat down, I grabbed my spoon and was ready to dig in! Where's the beef?? : ) Check PopPop out! He showed up to breakfast all dressed up in his tuxedo! I hope I am as handsome as him when I grow up. He's one dapper dude! Grandmom sure is a lucky lady!

Here's me with 2 of my favorite people. I was still on the look out for more pancakes or something.

Here's me with our really great waitress.
You gotta give me credit for knowing exactly who to flirt with!

I love my Daddy!

Here's my Uncle Brian and my Cousin Noel. I'm not the only one in the family with beautiful baby blues!

Here's my crazy Uncle Albert with my Cousins Amanda and Aaron. Looks like they might have been on Santa's naughty list?!

Here's Amanda and Aaron again---this time without the headlock!

Amanda always gives me good lovin'!

Just me and my PopPop! : )

Check it out--my name is right on my butt! Pretty cool, huh?

PopPop is telling me a secret....Shhhhh!

After a long nap and some more food, it was time to get ready for the Christmas Eve service at Pretty Great Grandmom and Great Handsome Pop's church.
Aunt Betty came over so she could go with us.
She brought me an early Christmas present!

I wonder what it is???
AWESOME!!! It's something with wheels! VROOM VROOM!

Hooray! It's time to hang out with my Pretty Great Granny!

Hey--there's my Great Pop, too! I love them both very much!
I can't wait until tomorrow when Santa Claus gets here!!!!