Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pretty Granny's 85th Birthday!

Today, our family got together to celebrate my Great Pretty Granny's 85th Birthday!
Can you believe that Granny is just over 42 times as old as me?!?!  WOW!
Here is me with the VERY BEST DADDY in the whole wide world!

Now that we all had some cake, it's time to play!!!
Here are a bunch of shots from the playground.

"I feel pretty...oh so pretty....!"

Mommy's favorite smile! : )

Here's my cousin, Sean.

Here are more of my cousins--Brielle and Caleigh.

My cousin Sean is one cool dude!

We had a great time playing together!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

November 8, 2008 - Amanda Weaver's b-day party

Today was an exciting day!  I got to go to a birthday party for Amanda Weaver at a place called "Kidzercise."  There was so much to do!

Here's the birthday girl.

Here's Emma having some fun!
Check out Erik's rope climbing skills!
Here's Jessica hoppin' around.
Here's Emma and the birthday girl, Amanda, climbing on the rock wall.
Here's Uncle George getting his first look at Sabrina....Amanda's brand new little sister!
I am having so much fun! : )
CHEESE!!'s time to get serious.
Here's Aunt Cindy's Mommy and Sabrina.
Happy Birthday, Amanda!
You caught me!!!!

October 31, 2008 - The World Series Parade

Today was a monumental day for all PHILLIES fans!!!!
Just a couple of days ago, the PHILS won the WORLD SERIES!!!!
Philly has been waiting for a World Series parade since 1980., we got our wish!
Believe it or not, Mommy and Daddy left me home on this very historic day!
I was not very happy, but they thought it was in my best interest.  Fortunately, Mommy took a bunch of pictures to document the day.

Here's a picture of the long line at the speed line station.  Mommy estimated that it was about 3/4 of a mile long, but it moved pretty fast.
The entrance....PHinally!!
Now there's a World Series smile if I ever saw one!!!
Check out all the people.  They were literally EVERYWHERE!!!!

As you can see, Mommy and Daddy were stuck down a side street so they didn't get to see too much.  But...from what they say, it was AWESOME to just be in the middle of all of the positive energy!

Here they are right in the middle of Broad Street after the parade finished up.
The curse of William Penn is finally broken!!

Hopefully we'll see you here again next season!!!!

October 31, 2008 - My 2nd Halloween

So, this whole Halloween thing started out pretty cool.
I helped Daddy carve a pumpkin.  It was awesome!
Here's our finished product.
But then......Mommy made me put on this goofy costume.  
That's when things started to roll downhill.
Despite her best efforts, she was not able to convince me that I looked GRRRRRREAT.
I told her if she didn't take me out of this costume, I was going to have to call the authorities.
She wouldn't
After awhile, I settled down and actually started enjoying being dressed up.
Do you think anyone will notice if I take my tiger ears off?
My friend, Kaylynn, from next door was dressed up like a kitty cat.
She looked even cuter than usual!
Aren't we cute trick-or-treaters?
Don't lollipops always make the day better? : )
Time to give Garfield a big Halloween smooch!
I think there's just enough time before bed for me to finish my lollipop.
Go can say it....AAAWWWW!!!!!
There's always room for a hot dog roll dipped in ketchup.  YUMMY!
Halloween turned out to be pretty fun after all.  I guess I'll start preparing myself now for the get-up Mommy will pick out for me to wear next year.....Stay tuned!