Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hanging out with my Aunties - Dec. 27, 2007

Today, Mommy's friends that she used to work with over at her old school had their annual Resource Center Holiday Celebration! I got to hang out with all my cool "Aunts".
As soon as my Aunt Michele covered me with kisses, she gave me this awesome present. It's a farm that has lights and music and buttons to press that make animal sounds. I love it! This is sooooooo cool!!!!

Here's Aunt Julie, Aunt Michele, Aunt Ellen, and Aunt Pat making a real mess of our living room. You know, I always make it a point to keep this room free of my toys and stuff. (Hey, Mommy...why are you shaking your head and rolling your eyes??)

Presents, presents everywhere!!! I wonder what everyone got?

Excuse me---I have to take this call.

Aunt Michele figured out how to distract me from my call.....COOKIES!!!!!

Oh yeah!! This is livin'!

Cookies and trucks---these are a few of my favorite things!

Here's the whole gang. I just couldn't keep my eyes off my Aunt Cookie--I mean my Aunt Michele!!
Merry Christmas Ladies!

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