Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dylan Robert Russell's Very First Birthday - January 2, 2008

Guess what?? I am officially ONE YEAR OLD!! This year flew by so fast!

Before I share some of my birthday pictures with you, Mommy asked me if she could share a few thoughts with everybody about this past year.

Hello from Dylan's Mommy!
This has been such an amazing 12 months. It's so hard to express how much joy I get from being a Mommy. Those of you who have known me for a long time probably NEVER thought it would happen!!! Heck, I never thought it would happen! Look at me now---Lovin' every single minute!
Over this past year I have been blessed to be a part of so many wonderful moments. Here are a few I thought I'd share---in no particular order:

* Dylan's very first breath and very first cry

* My first time holding a tiny little life that I helped to create

* Putting his tiny little body into his huge car seat and taking him home for the very first time

* Dylan's very first smile

* My little man's first giggle

* Watching Dylan being able to hold his head up on his own

* Remembering how wonderful that very first time he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT was

* Loving how cool it was when he started to really show signs of knowing who me and Mark were

* Giving him his very first bath and wondering when that belly button thingie was going to fall off

* Watching his Grandparents fall in love with him and love him more than I ever thought possible

* Watching Dylan pick up his very first toy truck and hearing him say "VROOM VROOM"
(That one NEVER gets old!)

* Watching him sit up for the first time...and then fall over for the first time....and then finally gaining enough strength to NOT fall over anymore!

* Watching him learn to crawl

* Marveling about all the simple things with him---like lights, ceiling fans, toothbrushes and doorbells

* Watching him stand up all on his own

* Giving him his very first bath in the big bathtub

* Watching him gaze at his kitty cats with wonder and amazement...and then chasing them around until they've had enough

* Remembering the very first time I heard him say "Mama"....that was AWESOME! (Of course he said "Da Da" first, so I had to wait this one out!)

* Giving him his first taste of solid food

* Giving him his first taste of medicine after he was diagnosed with his first nasty cold

* Rushing him to the ER after he got his very first "Big Boy Boo Boo"

* Watching him take his very first clumsy steps

* Putting him in his snow suit and taking him for a ride on his sled during his first snow storm

* Watching him sit on the Easter Bunny's lap for the first time--he was sooooo darn tiny!
* Taking him for his very first hayride in the big truck during Barrington Day

* Taking my little Monkey to his very first Halloween Parade
* Watching him sit on Santa's lap for the first time and praying he wouldn't cry

* Putting him on a swing at the playground for the first time and watching the intent look on his face as he took it all in

* Looking at pictures of my Mom as a baby and thinking to myself, "Wow! Dylan looks just like her! I can't believe I waited 36 years to give birth to my Mother!" : )

* Watching him go for rides with his PopPop in the golf cart and watching his crazy blonde hair blowing in the wind

* Staring into his beautiful crystal blue eyes and hoping that they would always stay that blue
*Taking him to the beach for his very first vacation and holding his hand when he put his toes in the ocean for the first time
* Taking him to his very first Phillies game -- the weather was really bad, but my precious boy was REALLY good!
* Taking him to school for the very first time so he could meet all of my students and co-workers
* Putting on his little red, white, and blue bathing suit and taking him into our pool for the very first time

* Watching him snuggled up and sleeping so peacefully during his daily nap with PopPop

* Eating his very first cupcake on his very first birthday
* Watching him sit in a highchair at a restaurant with food all over him and the floor and thinking, "Hmmm....remember when he used to just sleep in the carseat right through dinner and never make a peep?"

* Reaching down to pick him up because he's stretching his little arms up to me
* Seeing that bright, shiny very first tooth come through---and feeling very sleep-deprived as a result!

* Watching his little mesmorized face when there is any sign of Elmo--be it a stuffed animal, clothing, a TV show, etc
* Taking him to his first car show in Philadelphia. It was our first "big outing" as a family. He slept in his stroller just about the whole day.

* Crying hysterically the day I started back to work because I just hated leaving him

* Picking him up after work and watching that big smile form the second he sees me!

* Sitting with him and reading books---letting him turn every page in his own time and pointing out all of his favorite pictures

* Having the opportunity to sing "I'll Love You Forever" to him just about every night before he falls asleep in my arms

When I married Mark, I knew I was the luckiest. Adding my precious son to our family just confirmed that fact.

Happy Birthday, Dylan Robert Russell.

I Love You---FOREVER! : )

Wow, Mommy! That was pretty mushy!! We better get on with the pictures!

As soon as Mommy and Daddy handed me my cupcake, I started the mess-making process! Before they were done singing "Happy Birthday", I already had most of the icing off. My kittycat, Chic didn't seem to mind.

Hey, Chic---who's birthday is it exactly? he he he

Chic is really licking her chops! I better protect the rest of this cupcake with my life!

Kittycats and sugar surely don't mix!!

Check out my Birthday Mess!!!
Did you know you could finger paint with icing?Hey--you got any more of these?
Check out my Birthday Baby Blues!

Okay, I'll try to be neat and eat with my spoon.
Okay--forget about the spoon--

Whatever it is, I didn't do it! I'm busy eating!!

Saying goodbye to my last little bite....

...and then shoveling it in!

One more spoonful oughtta do it!

I've got time for one quick ride on my truck before bath time.

Okay, my bath is over and I'm all ready for bed. What's this??

Oh, I put it on your head so you can look ridiculous!

Hey, Elmo---help me get this thing off!!

Somebody rescue me from this torture and put me to bed!!!

Well, that about wraps up my birthday celebration. Pretty cool, huh?
Before you go, check out this cool video of me in action!!

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