Sunday, November 22, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!!! - October 1, 2009

It's very early on Wednesday morning, September 30th.
Daddy took Mommy to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital to check in.
Mommy still felt good enough to take a picture on the way in.

Here's Mommy in the Labor Room. She passed the hours by posting lots of updates on her Facebook page. I sent my favorite train with her so she would always have company.
The Phillies were playing a really big championship game during Mommy's labor, so she wore her lucky socks. Guess what? They worked! The Phils clinched their division!! :)
Well, it's almost midnight....still no Baby Russell...
Looks like his or her birthday might be October 1st!!
Finally, after a very long labor, my baby sister made her grand entrance!
At 12:14am, October 1st,
Caitlyn Elizabeth Russell
was born!
She weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Here's Daddy giving her lots of love. She was only about 20 minutes old!
Here's Mommy holding her precious baby girl.
Life is good!! : )

1 comment:

Roberta said... adorable!
Congratulations again. (and I love the way you document your life!Keep up the good work; it is appreciated!)