Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Mother's Day - May 11, 2008

As you can see, Mother's Day has already worn me out and it's barely gotten started!!!
Pooh Bear and I needed a little power nap before the main festivities started.
Here are some pretty flowers that Mommy bought to put on the table. There's one flower for each Mommy coming to lunch!
Doesn't the table look pretty?

My Grandmom and my Great Pretty Granny have arrived! Guess what? I'm still napping!
Here's the whole crew---my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents. were supposed to open those cards once I was awake!!!

Okay----I'm up!! Let the eating begin!!! : )


Here's a cool picture of Abby and me. Meow!!
I'm one happy boy!

HOORAY for me...and HOORAY for Mommy!

Time to rest in my rocking chair for a minute.

Rest is over---time for fun with Daddy!

4 Generations
Grandmom and Great Grandmom

I think I'll take a walk while everyone else poses for pictures.

Hey look! My swing!
Buckle up!

Mommy found me!

Look how happy I make Mommy!!

Peek-a-boo....I see you!

How YOU doin'?

Better check the sprinkler timer.

Looks like the grass is getting enough water.

Time to play in Daddy's car.
(This is one of my favorite things to do!)

That's right Mommy--you keep giving hugs, and I'll keep playing!


Time to visit the neighbors. (I LOVE it over there!)
Here's Joey showing me the fish pond.

Okay--time for football. HIKE!

Here's Jake the Dog. I love to chase him around.

Bye Bye Everybody! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

It's amazing how big he's getting! He looks just like a little man!