Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 20, 2007

It was a gorgeous day today----perfect for a photo shoot in my MONKEY-suit! Chickie was a little freaked out by me!

Just me and my pumpkin
Here's a good top view.

I better be getting some candy when these pictures are done!!

Here are the 5 pumpkins we grew in our backyard. Aren't they cool?!

Mommy and I are going to be in a Halloween parade soon. She wanted me to spend some time in the wagon so I could get used to it.

Wagon rides are so much fun!

Check out my pearly whites!!

Here's our pumpkins again.

Okay--enough with the costume already. Time to feel the fresh air on my face!

Check out my cute little Monkey feet.

Tonight we headed out to Aunt Darlene's house to help Brandon celebrate his 12th birthday.
I like hanging out with Aunt Darlene. She's a lot of fun!

She gives very good advice.
Daddy was telling me a scary Halloween story here.....I'm not so sure I like hearing about ghosts and goblins!!
Have a SPOOKY Halloween!

October 14, 2007

Today started out with a trip to the pots and pans cabinet. Check out my cool hat! Hmmm...I wonder how much noise I can make with this spoon and this collander?!?

Later this afternoon, it was time to head over to Uncle Albert's house to celebrate my cousin Amanda's 18th birthday.
I decided to use some of my time there to practice climbing the stairs.

Check out my baby blues!

It's time to sing "Happy Birthday" so Amanda can blow out her candles.
Wow! This cake sure looks yummy!!
I can't wait until January 2nd----that's when I'll have my very own birthday cake!!!

So what do you think---do I look like my Grandmom or what??

Here's me hanging out with my cousin Aaron. He's one TALL dude!!
I had to strike a pose in my cool Halloween shirt---it glows in the dark!

More stair climbing
Uh-oh---looks like I'm caught behind bars!


Today Mommy and Daddy took me over to Barrington for a special town celebration. It was awesome! Our day started with a close up view of some very unique cars.
Here's an old Corvette....Uncle Dave and Aunt Bet are probably drooling right about now!
Mommy went nuts over this Mustang. This car is over 30 years old---It's unique because it has all of its original parts!! It was pretty amazing.

Here's me! I was just checking things out.

I was just amazed by everything I saw!

It's not easy being this handsome, you know! : )

Here's me on my very first HAYRIDE!!! Mommy and I went on the wagon together. (Daddy sneezes a lot when he gets near hay.) Check out my crazy blonde hair blowing in the breeze!

This hay looks almost good enough to eat!

I loved taking in the sights as we rode around the town.

Check out the corn stalks.
So much to see.......

On our way home, we passed by this street sign. Mommy couldn't resist snapping a picture!

When we got home, it was time for me to MONKEY around in my Halloween costume!

Check out the banana in my pocket!

Here's a view from the top! : )

Am I cute or what?!??! : )

Here are some pictures of the pumpkins we grew in our very own backyard.
Pretty cool, huh??

This one is picture perfect!

Here's a little guy hiding in the vines.

This one is the perfect size for me!