Tuesday, April 14, 2009

BIG NEWS!!!!! - 4.14.09


That's right!  I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!
I can't wait!!
Here is a picture of my new brother or sister.  (from about 8 weeks)
Personally, I hope it's a sister, but I'd be okay with a brother, too.
Here's the baby's profile.  Isn't technology amazing??
Mommy got to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday.  When she asked the Doctor if it sounded like a "girl heartbeat" or a "boy heartbeat" Dr. Scott said, "It sounds like a healthy heartbeat."  We'll take it! : )
Mommy is about 16 weeks along now and she has been feeling pretty good...although I must confess.....SHE IS MOODY!  
(Don't tell her I said that!)
Before we know it, our family will be 2 feet bigger!!  I can't wait!!
Stay tuned for more updates!


--sme said...


Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Yeah!!!!!! As soon as I saw your email, I knew! :o) Hugs to you all!

McGetts said...

Congrats!!! YIPEEE!!!!!

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Congratulations! I'd send girl vibes your way, but I'm out of them! Let me tell ya, there is nothing like two little boys to keep life exciting!

Sarah - Roots and Wings said...

Congratulations!! I saw a comment on your facebook that made me think so, but I didn't want to ask! =) I'm sending girl vibes your way! Josie would love another girl buddy - or a boy buddy! ;) Soo happy for you!

Roberta said...

Congratulations on your upcoming additional tax deduction! :-)
So will the new one have her own blog or will the Big Bro share his?