Tuesday, September 4, 2007

August 29, 2007

Well, from what I understand, it's almost time for Mommy to go back to work. Neither of us are very happy about that. I plan on making the most of these last couple of days of summer.
Aunt Julie, Uncle Jim, MomMom Brown, Daulton, and Cole are spending the week in Ocean City. We went down to spend the day with them. Aunt Katie, Jacob, Allison, Katie's Mom, and Katie's neice, Abby, joined us.
I had such a great time on the beach!! When Mommy and Daddy took me to O.C. for our vacation in June, I was only 5 months old--I wasn't crawling or pulilng myself up yet. This time, I really got to enjoy my surroundings.

Here's Aunt Katie's kids---Allison and Jacob. They were having some lunch.

One of Daddy's favorite things to do is to dig BIG holes and build sand castles. Everyone grabbed a shovel and helped him dig. It all looked like a lot of work to me!

Hey....check it out....SAND!!! I wonder what it tastes like?!?!

The sea air really wore me out! There's nothing like a nap on the beach.

Here's Aunt Katie's neice, Abby....she's a cutie!!

Here's Cole hanging out in the cool hole that everyone helped dig.

Cole and I decided it was time to check out the waves!!

Here are some cool pictures that Mommy took of me and my awesome Daddy! It looks like Daulton is ready to start digging again!!

Jacob decides to get in on the action! Cole is assuming his supervisor position---he's going to make sure there's no slackers!!
Okay---enough beach time---It's time to eat!!!

We went to Ike's for dinner. Mommy wouldn't let me order any crab cakes, but my buddy Cole was nice enough to give me some Cheerios. I had never had them before--they are quite tasty!

What's everyone so happy about?? I'm out of Cheerios and I'm NOT likin' it!!

Mommy took this picture especially for my PopPop. His nickname for me is "Popeye". Can you see the resemblance?While the older kids got on rides, Cole and I just hung out taking in the sights. I wonder what Jacob, Allison, and Daulton are looking at?
Oh look----it's none other than "Crazy Uncle Mark" getting ready to ride the "Double Shot"!
It sure looks like he's having fun!! Daulton, Uncle Jim, Allison, and Jacob decided to ride the "Tilt-A-Whirl". Mommy kept calling it the "Tilt-A-HURL"....I wonder what that's all about?
There is so much to look at on the boardwalk!! I see a ride I want Mommy to take me on.
Hmmmm...now that we're in line, I'm starting to feel a little nervous.

Okay---here we go! Up, up, and away!!!

Okay, Mommy looks pretty proud, but I think I'm glad it's over!!! Here's Mommy with Aunt Katie and Aunt Julie. They have all been friends for a really long time.
It was great for all of us to be together. I can't wait to hang out with everyone again!!!!

August 28, 2007

I guess Mommy was feeling kinda brave today. She decided to let me try feeding myself!!! I was very excited to take on this challenge!
Okay--so far, so good. I've managed to get the side with the food on it into my mouth. This stuff is a piece of cake. Hey--speaking of cake...why isn't some of that on my spoon??

Maybe for this next spoonful I should use a tighter grip on the spoon.

Looks like the one-handed way is working out just fine!

Gotta inspect the spoon to make sure I didn't leave any crumbs behind.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

August 27, 2007

Check out this awesome dump truck!! I had such a great time playing with this today. Mommy would put Legos or blocks in the back and I would make a mess dumping everything out. I am starting to really love toys with wheels. I love to watch the wheels turn as the trucks or cars move across the floor---It's just fascinating!!

August 26, 2007

Our next door neighbor, Marie, had a visit today from some of her grandchildren. I was lucky enough to be outside with Daddy when they arrived, so we went over to say hello. Marie brought out this cool bouncy car for Phoebe and I to play in. (Phoebe is Marie's newest granddaughter. She is a few months younger than me.) It was so much fun!
Of course I have to give everything a taste test!

I hope I don't get pulled over! This is Marie's granddaughter Anna. She was coloring a picture of Jasmine.
This is Phoebe---isn't she cute!! I was trying to flirt with her, but I'm not sure she was having it!

Anna showed Phoebe how to use the horn. Beep Beep!
Ben checked to make sure Phoebe wasn't speeding.
I think I have my very first real crush!!! : )