Saturday, October 25, 2008

Peek-a-Boo - July 6, 2008


July 5, 2008 - Hanging Out at the Eckenroth's

Today we hung out at Aunt Tina and Uncle George's's my home away from home!
Erik decided to cool off by taking a dip in the pool.
People always tell us how much Erik and I look alike. We are mistaken for brothers all the time.
What do you think? Here is Sean William Haley.
He's one of the newest members of my extended family.

Mommy thought this was a cool picture.
Hey...I'm in it...of course it's cool! : )

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy 4th of July! - July 4, 2008

My dad started with a trip to the mall. Mommy let me take a spin on this cool digger truck! It was awesome!

Then it was time to head to Uncle Mark and Aunt Liz's house for a barbeque.

Check out the cool fireworks he bought!
Hey--it's my buddy, Eva! I'm so glad she's here!

Mommy's glad too! : )

I'm really not much into eating when my cars are around....I'd rather play!
Unless of course, I'm eating dessert that is!!

Looks like Eva is worn out from our busy day.

Hey...what do you mean there are no more fireworks?!?!??!

Daddy's 31st Birthday - July 3, 2008

Today is Daddy's birthday! I can't wait until he opens his presents.
Actually, I can't wait to have some CAKE!! Daddy loves the Broncos. Looks like he's happy with this gift!

Ooooooo...I wonder what's in here!!
Daddy, what is it?
Oh, I see! It's an automatic hose reel.

Hooray for Daddy! (and hooray for spaghetti, too!)
Time to take the celebration poolside.

Wow! Look at this fancy present!
I think it's from PopPop and Grandmom.
Aren't they silly?

Here's the birthday boy talking with one of his brothers.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Mommy and Daddy's Anniversary - July 2, 2008

Today is Mommy and Daddy's 3rd anniversary. They decided to celebrate by going out to dinner at Carlucci's---the place where they got married.
Mommy said that the sunset was just as beautiful tonight as it was on her and Daddy's wedding day.
Here's a couple of pictures from their anniversary photo shoot!

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!!